Azure DevOps using GitHub: 1-week Assessment

MAQ Software

Unlock the Power of Azure DevOps with GitHub: Accelerate Your Software Delivery

Is your organization ready to supercharge its software development lifecycle? Are you curious about how Azure DevOps and GitHub can reshape the way you deliver software? Join us for our exclusive 1-week assessment, where we do not just talk about tech – we provide real solutions to your development challenges.

Before we delve into the details, ask yourself:

  • Is your software development process as efficient as it could be?
  • Are you harnessing the full potential of Azure DevOps and GitHub?
  • What bottlenecks and roadblocks hinder your software delivery?

Our 1-week assessment is designed to address these critical questions and more. We do not just promise change; we deliver it.

Who Should Join Us

Our assessment is perfect for:

  • IT (Information Technology) Managers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • Project Managers

Uncover the Pain Points

We understand that every organization faces unique challenges in their software development journey. Whether it is streamlining processes, optimizing collaboration, or ensuring security, we begin by identifying your specific pain points.


Day 1: Current State Analysis

  • Dive deep into your current software development practices.
  • Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.
  • Assess your existing Azure DevOps and GitHub usage.

Day 2: Process Optimization

  • Design a customized plan to streamline your development process.
  • Implement best practices for branching, merging, and code reviews.
  • Explore automation opportunities to boost efficiency.

Day 3: Collaboration Enhancement

  • Foster better collaboration among development teams.
  • Leverage GitHub's collaboration tools for code sharing and review.
  • Ensure clear communication throughout the development lifecycle.

Day 4: Security & Compliance

  • Strengthen your security posture with GitHub's built-in security features.
  • Implement access controls and permissions.
  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Day 5: Future Roadmap

  • Chart a roadmap for future improvements and enhancements.
  • Set clear goals and milestones for your DevOps journey.
  • Ensure your team is equipped with the knowledge to execute the plan.


By the end of our 1-week assessment, you will gain:

  • A clear understanding of your current development challenges.
  • A customized plan for optimizing your software development process.
  • Enhanced collaboration among your development teams.
  • Improved security and compliance measures.
  • A clear roadmap for your DevOps transformation.

Differentiate with Us

At MAQ Software, we stand out in the Azure DevOps and GitHub consulting landscape. Our team of experts combines deep technical knowledge with a passion for innovation. We are not just consultants; we are partners in your success.

Ready to Accelerate Your DevOps Journey?

Take the first step toward a more efficient and productive software development process. Contact us at to schedule our 1-week assessment and unlock the true potential of Azure DevOps and GitHub.

Join us and experience the future of software development – powered by Azure DevOps and GitHub.