- Adviesdiensten
TFS to Azure DevOps Migration: 2 wk Implementation
Create the Best Dev Environment for Your Teams. We’ll help you migrate from Team Foundation Server (TFS) to Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services - VSTS).
From Team Foundation Server (TFS) to Azure DevOps in 3 easy steps!
1) Smart Preparation to Accelerate Migration
Before our engagement begins, we provide you with a detailed pre-engagement questionnaire that provides our team with a complete background on your current environment. We also send you pre-recorded Azure DevOps training videos which your teams can use to familiarize themselves with Azure DevOps. We then hold a half-day kickoff meeting to validate the background information, assign key responsibilities and align schedules and deliverables.
2) Azure DevOps Environment Configuration
During the second phase of our migration Framework, we’ll schedule a workshop with your key Azure DevOps stakeholders to agree on configuration decisions. This discussion includes development process, team structure, product organization, code branching strategy, development tool usage, reporting requirements and continuous delivery. This session is interactive – we ask questions and show examples – and drives decisions for team configuration and team usage.
3) TFS to Azure DevOps Migration
Our DevOps team uses a proven and safe approach to migrate your existing repository of code and work items to its new Azure DevOps location. We first set up or verify your Azure Active Directory to allow you to use a common identity to access both cloud and on-premise resources. We then create a test sandbox, followed by a test migration, which allows your team to review the results in test. Once approved, we complete the final migration to production, at a time that minimizes any inconvenience to your teams. Once we’ve migrated your repository, Azure DevOps is ready for use by all your teams.
Pulling it All Together with 5 Days of Embedded Support
Once Azure DevOps is set up, we work with your team for 5 days to maximize your success.
Exact effort and cost depends on size of repository and complexity of TFS implementation.