Secure authentication with FIDO2, 2-day workshop

perinova IT-Management GmbH

In this engagement we will give you a vision how to secure access and data passwordless.

In This two-day workshop we will develop a strategy for a password less login, Multifactor authentication, Single sign on and password safe. At day one (1) we discuss the foundation, basic concept and requirements and describe how security and comfort will be increased in the customer environment. The second day (2), we build a detailed strategy how the customer will be able to get there, including a roadmap. At the end the Customer gets the strategy paper as well as the roadmap for the next steps. We will recommend the benefits from the Azure Cloud Services like Information Protection P1 and P2 expand with the new FIDO 2 standard. This will also include a recommendation of Azure licensing and consumption of Azure Services (likeE5).