- Adviesdiensten
Advance Analytics Platform Modernization: 1-Wk POC
A limited engagement that setup Advance Analytics scenarios in Azure using Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Machine Learning and Power BI
This limited implementation is designed to prove if Azure Advance Analytics Platform is right for your organization’s Advance Analytics initiative.
We set Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Azure Machine Learning Model with your data and show the insights using Power BI.
This Proof of Concept implementation can be expanded to your production environment.
Day 1
Kick-Off meeting, review of your current BI\Analytics processes and finalize the scope of POC with you.
Day 2
Provisioning of Azure Subscription and Setup Azure SQL Data Warehouse with your Data.
Day 3
Setup of two (2) Azure Machine Learning Models using your data in Azure SQL DW. Train, Evaluate and Test the models using Azure Machine Learning Studio
Day 4
Expose output of Azure ML models via REST API to Power BI. Show insights via Power BI
Day 5
Final walkthrough, training, Proof of Concept closure, and planning of next steps.