ActiveMQ on Debian 10

AskforCloud LLC

ActiveMQ on Debian 10

AskforCloud LLC

Apache ActiveMQ® is the most popular open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker.

Apache ActiveMQ® is the most popular open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker and Integration Patterns server. It supports industry standard protocols so users get the benefits of client choices across a broad range of languages and platforms. Connect from clients written in JavaScript, C, C++, Python, .Net, and more. Integrate your multi-platform applications using the ubiquitous AMQP protocol. Exchange messages between your web applications using STOMP over websockets. Manage your IoT devices using MQTT. Support your existing JMS infrastructure and beyond. ActiveMQ offers the power and flexibility to support any messaging use-case.

Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.

Installed Softwares:
🗸 Java - openjdk version "11.0.15"
🗸 ActiveMQ - Version - 5.17.2

Network Ports:
🗸 Linux : 22 TCP
🗸 http : 80
🗸 https : 443
🗸 ActiveMQ : 8161

🗸 Installation Directory : "/opt/"
🗸 Access URL- https://localhost:8161/admin or https://localhost:8161/
🗸 Default Username : “admin” & Password : “admin”.

Features :

🗸 Supports a variety of Cross Language Clients and Protocols from Java, C, C++, C#, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP.
🗸 full support for the Enterprise Integration Patterns both in the JMS client and the Message Broker
🗸 Supports many advanced features such as Message Groups, Virtual Destinations, Wildcards and Composite Destinations.
🗸 Fully supports JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging.
🗸 Spring Support so that ActiveMQ can be easily embedded into Spring applications and configured using Spring’s XML configuration mechanism.
🗸 Designed for high performance clustering, client-server, peer based communication

Disclaimer : This Virtual machine offer contains free and open source software. All the softwares, trademarks used in the Virtual machine offer are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Askforcloud LLC does not offer commercial license of the product mentioned above.

🗸 Apache, ActiveMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache ActiveMQ project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
🗸 Apache ActiveMQ is released under the Apache 2.0 License.