Azure Marketplace
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Azure Marketplace
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Azure Marketplace
Wyszukaj w witrynie Marketplace
Azure Marketplace
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AI oraz usługa Machine Learning
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Narzędzia dla deweloperów >
Usługa dewelopera
Internet rzeczy
IT i narzędzia do zarządzania
Tożsamość Microsoft Entra
Mixed Reality
Monitorowanie i diagnostyka
Wersje próbne
System operacyjny
Model cen
Typ produktu
Wszystkie wyniki
Plesk on Linux - WordPress, Website and Web hosting Platform and Server Control Panel
1 out of 60
IIS On Windows Server 2019 Free
2 out of 60
CentOS 7.5 Free
3 out of 60
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Free
4 out of 60
CentOS 7.6
5 out of 60
Docker CE with CentOS 7.7 Free
6 out of 60
VS Code on Windows Server 2022
7 out of 60
AzCOP Foundational
8 out of 60
CentOS 9 Stream Minimal
9 out of 60
Julia Workstation 2022 by CrunchYard
10 out of 60
Fortified Golden Image on Redhat linux 9
11 out of 60
RHEL 8.9 with GUI
12 out of 60
Secured Acquia Drupal 7 on Windows 2012 R2
13 out of 60
Secured BugNet on Windows 2012 R2
14 out of 60
Alma Linux 9.2 Gen 2 Minimal with support by Rinne Labs
15 out of 60
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9 Gen 2 Minimal with support by Rinne Labs
16 out of 60
VS Code on Windows Server 2019
17 out of 60
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.10 EUS Minimal with support by Rinne Labs
18 out of 60
CentOS 8.1
19 out of 60
AZ-204 Workshop | Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure | Hosted on OneVenue | Virtual or In-person
20 out of 60
SQL Server 2017 Web with Vulnerability Assessment
21 out of 60
Rocky Linux 9.3 Generation 2 with support by Rinne Labs
22 out of 60
Rocky Linux 9.3 (ARM/AArch64) with support by Rinne Labs
23 out of 60
Neo4j Community Edition Server on SUSE 12 SP5
24 out of 60
Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up Python on {Operating System} for Smooth Development Experience
25 out of 60
RedHat 7.9 Gen2 with Python3.9 supported by Rinne Labs
26 out of 60
Mediawiki With CentOS 8.2
27 out of 60
Apache HTTP Server on CentOS 8.2
28 out of 60
Rocky 9.4 (ARM/AArch64) with support by Rinne Labs
29 out of 60
Hardened IIS On Windows Server 2012 R2
30 out of 60
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
31 out of 60
KoobooCMS: The Ultimate Content Management System
32 out of 60
Secured Ghost on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
33 out of 60
EdgeAI Studio
34 out of 60
1-Click Report Server on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
35 out of 60
CentOS 7.9 Gen 2 with Python 3.12 with support by Rinne Labs
36 out of 60
Rocky Linux 9 (ARM/AArch64) with support by Rinne Labs
37 out of 60
XAMPP on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
38 out of 60
Terraform on Debian 10
39 out of 60
Packer on Debian 10
40 out of 60
Terraform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
41 out of 60
Packer on Debian 11
42 out of 60
Terraform on Debian 11
43 out of 60
PHP on Hardened Suse
44 out of 60
Optimize Redis Configuration on Centos Latest for Improved Workload Management and Performance
45 out of 60
Enhance Data Management Capabilities with PostgreSQL on Centos Latest
46 out of 60
Complete Guide to Installing and Configuring Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for Optimal Performance and Scalability
47 out of 60
Mariadb on Hardened Centos 9
48 out of 60
Apache Tomcat on Hardened Rocky Linux
49 out of 60
Complete Guide to Installing and Configuring Apache Tomcat on Centos Latest for Optimal Performance and Scalability
50 out of 60
GitLab CE Community Edition is a robust solution for Suse environment, enabling seamless collaboration and version control for development teams.
51 out of 60
Improve Performance and Scalability of Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal
52 out of 60
Redis Stack on Hardened Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
53 out of 60
OpenJDK on Hardened Suse
54 out of 60
OpenJDK on Hardened Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal
55 out of 60
memcached on Hardened Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal
56 out of 60
PowerShell 7.2 on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
57 out of 60
Keras on Windows Server 2019
58 out of 60
Golang on Ubuntu18.04LTS
59 out of 60
Ruby on Centos7.9
60 out of 60