SFTPGo for Linux - SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S to Azure Blob Storage

SFTPGo Authors

SFTPGo for Linux - SFTP, HTTP/S, FTP/S to Azure Blob Storage

SFTPGo Authors

SFTP, FTP/S server backed by Azure Blob Storage, with web file browser, file sharing and much more.

With SFTPGo you can leverage the reliability and scale of Azure Blob Storage (and other cloud storage providers) for exchanging and storing files internally or with business partners using the same tools and processes you are already familiar with.

This offering is Linux based, for a Windows based offering please take a look here.

Key features of SFTPGo

Multiple storage backends and multiple protocols are supported and are configurable per-user. You can serve a local directory for a user and an Azure Blob container (or part of it) for another one

The Web Client and Web Admin user interfaces support OpenID Connect authentication and therefore can be integrated with your existing identity provider.

The WebClient user interface allows end users to change their credentials, browse and manage their files in the browser and setup two-factor authentication which works with Authy, Google Authenticator and other compatible apps.

Using the WebClient each authorized user can create HTTP/S links to externally share files and folders securely, by setting limits to the number of downloads/uploads, protecting the share with a password, limiting access by source IP address, setting an automatic expiration date.

Why choose SFTPGo?

  • Support for multiple protocols: SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS, WebDAV.
  • Support for multiple storage backends: local filesystem, encrypted local filesystem, S3 (compatible) Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, SFTP.
  • Custom workflows based on server events or schedules.
  • Multi-factor and multi-step authentication.
  • Per-user and per-directory virtual permissions.
  • Virtual folders: You can have a local user with an Azure Blob based virtual folder or vice versa.
  • Configurable custom commands and/or HTTP notifications on file system events such as upload, download, and adding, updating, and deleting users..
  • Highly customizable and extensible to suit your needs.
  • Open Source.

Other notable features

  • Web based administration interface to easily manage users and other resources.
  • Chroot isolation for local accounts. Cloud-based accounts can be restricted to a certain base path.
  • Public key, password and certificate authentication.
  • Simplified user administrations using groups.
  • ACME protocol is supported: you can obtain and automatically renew TLS certificates for HTTPS, WebDAV and FTPS.
  • Branding: the web UIs can be customized to match your brand.
  • Disk quota and bandwidth throttling.
  • Per protocol rate limiting.
  • Per-user and global IP filters.
  • Automatic blocklist.

How to launch the VM and access SFTPGo

To access SFTPGo after launching the VM instance, simply open http://instance IP:8080/web/admin in your browser, create the first admin user and start using SFTPGo.

This virtual machine is pre-configured to use SQLite but you can easily switch to PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL/MariaDB or an embedded key/value store.

The configuration file is "/etc/sftpgo/sftpgo.json".

Logs are written to the directory "/srv/sftpgo/logs".

The SQLite database is stored in the "/var/lib/sftpgo" directory.

Data for local users is stored in "/srv/sftpgo" directory.

If you attach additional disks please make sure to set the proper permissions after mounting them. The SFTPGo service runs using the dedicated "sftpgo" system user.

For example supposing you are mounting additional disks on "/srv/data" and "/var/lib/sftpgo", execute:

sudo chown sftpgo:sftpgo /srv/data
sudo chown sftpgo:sftpgo /var/lib/sftpgo

Then restart the service.

sudo systemctl restart sftpgo.service


We strongly recommend that you keep both SFTPGo and the VM up to date to apply the latest security and bug fixes and to use the latest SFTPGo features.

Using stardard system commands is enough, for example:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

If you are upgrading SFTPGo from a very old version, also check the SFTPGo specific upgrade docs


We, the authors of the SFTPGo open source project, offer free email support for basic configuration customization and basic troubleshooting. You can get in touch with us at

We also offer paid support plans for more advanced support, in-depth troubleshooting and product customization.

Please always include your Marketplace Subscription ID in support requests.