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Azure Application Innovation Engagement - 6 Week Assessment
The Azure Application Innovation Engagement helps organizations migrate and modernize their applications to the cloud through a consultative engagement.
Aging systems and legacy applications cannot take full advantage of today’s customer-centric technologies, like cloud and mobile computing. Our portfolio of Microsoft Solution Assessments are designed to meet your organization where you are on your journey to meet your business needs. Each assessment is led by Protiviti, Microsoft and your team.
Protiviti’s Application Innovation Engagement provides your organization with digital transformation recommendations based upon a review of between one (1) and five (5) applications for modernization to Microsoft Azure services. The analysis delivers cost consumption estimates, architecture design, and a migration plan for each of the candidate application(s) providing your organization with a modernization approach tailored to the unique needs of each application with goals of modernizing technology and maximizing operational efficiency.
This engagement will be completed in two phases.
Phase 1: Ideate and Architecture Design Planning
Phase 2: CAF gap analysis, migration plan, and partner SOW for modernization of Apps to PAAS in production environment CAF Gap Analysis and Migration Plan
Final Recommendations