FUJITSU Manufacturing Industry Solution COLMINA V2


FUJITSU Manufacturing Industry Solution COLMINA V2


COLMINA is the Fujitsu's Manufacturing Industry digital transformation solution and technology.

This application is available only in Japanese.
1.  Offer description:  COLMINA accelerates the manufacturing digital transformation (DX) by supporting customers in achieving DX leveraging the industrial and operational know-how of Fujitsu.
2.  Offer target industry:  Manufacturing industry, especially in discrete manufacturing such as machinery equipment and  electronics manufacturers, automotive suppliers.
3.  Offer value proposition:  COLMINA has three-layer structure in order to provide overall optimization of the manufacturing process through CPS (Cyber Physical System).  The edge layer supports the collecting real time data from manufacturing sites, the platform layer supports the centralized management of on-site and business data to accumulate value, and the service layer provides scenario based problem solutions with Fujitsu's know how in manufacturing as templates.