



Smart Solution for your Contract Management

Conclair is an intuitive solution bringing in the much-needed Clarity, Traceability and Ease in Managing Contract Workflow Simplify, streamline, and optimize Contract workflows. From creation to approval, ConClair has you covered. Collaborative Drafting and Negotiation Complete Traceability of Review & Negotiation process. Eliminate to and fro communication with Suppliers over email and other unreliable channel/s. Induce efficiency in Contract Negotiation and Finalization Go paperless with Digital Signature and Gain insights with advance analytics for data-driven decisions. Conclair Features User Dashboard Template based Contract. Role based Security. Optical Character Recognition Digital Signature Audit Ledger Supplier Management Dynamic Reporting Secure Access Contract Archival Contract Negotiation Conclair Workflow Formal request made to supplier/s, to review a contract and provide feedback towards acceptance of its terms and conditions. Review and feedback involve the evaluation of a particular clause of the agreement, with the aim of providing acceptance or comments towards seeking clarity or negotiation. Exchange of views for the purpose of reaching an agreement. Parties reach a consensus on the terms and conditions of the contract and proceed towards making it legally binding. Parties uses cryptographic algorithm to create a unique digital signature for the contract document. Integrity and legal authenticity is enabled by the signature. Archiving finalized contract document in a manner that ensures its protection from unauthorized access, confidentiality, integrity and availability. End go end traceability of all user operations and analytics, enabling governance and risk management. Extending validity of an existing contract for an additional period of time or negotiating any necessary changes for the renewal term.