Avanade Private 5G Enabled Utilities

Avanade, Inc.

Avanade’s Worker Safety managed services solution is a private network built on Azure PMEC with 5G Core to deliver connectivity, push-to-talk, & location tracking of workers across field sites.

Avanade’s 5G-enabled services enables transformation and innovation of Avanade’s utility clients, combined with Avanade’s private wireless network as a service, simplify connectivity across wireless networks to seamlessly integrate data into your systems and improve data security, visibility, and business speed. These services enable the adoption of next generation connectivity using Microsoft private MEC with Azure Private 5G Core service. Avanade’s Cloud Managed Services combined with our Azure Management Platform and vertical industry solutions have all been integrated with Microsoft’s PMEC product to simplify and increase the speed to market for 5G wireless implementations (private and public).

Worker Safety and Remote Collaboration Utilities are turning to enhanced private 5G connectivity in a way that increases productivity for field workers and engineers while also improving health and safety. Avanade’s Worker Safety and Remote Collaboration enables capabilities such as: • Mobile application and IoT safety solution • Tracking for workers • Field service requests • Operation-center dashboard for real-time health and safety monitoring • Worker access to richer tools and live support

*Pricing will vary based on the scope of the engagement.
