Digital Twin Seed Processing

Harman International Industries

HARMAN has built standalone Platform to integrate with systems to help build user journeys on loyalty. Rewards & Badges can be earned based on transactions or certain type of user behavior.

Harman Connected Services

Azure Digital Twins is an Internet of Things (IOT) platform offered by Microsoft that enables the creation of comprehensive digital models of real world environmenrs known as digital twins. These twins can represent physical assests, processes, people, and their relationships in virtual environment, allowing for simulation, analysios, and monitoring in real time

Seed Processing Description in Azure digital twins
  • Model Creation: Digital twin is used to define the twin. DTDL is a JSON-like language that specifies the digital twin's attributes, behaviors, relationships, and capabilities.
  • Data Ingestion: IOT devices and sensors connected to physical seed processing systems send real time data to azure IOT hub
  • Real-Time Synchronization: As real-world processes occur the digital twin is continuously updated with live data.
  • Simulation and Analysis: Once the seed is processed into the Azure Digital twin, simulations can be run to optimize the seed processing workflow.