Azure HPC: 6-Week Assessment and PoC


This engagement will allow the Oakwood HPC Team to assess your current computational infrastructure and workflows so that a viable PoC can be implemented prior to full-scale deployment.

Oakwood's HPC on Azure Assessment & PoC engagement provides a thorough evaluation of an organization's current computational infrastructure, workflows, and objectives. With deep insights garnered from this evaluation, Oakwood's HPC Team will have the knowledge they need to embark on a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) that will serve as a tangible testbed so that clients can visualize and understand how Azure HPC would integrate with and elevate their specific workloads without yet committing to a full-scale implementation.

This PoC dramatically reduces the risk associated with cloud transitions. By creating a controlled environment where Azure HPC solutions can be tested, refined, and validated, organizations can confidently move forward, knowing that the proposed solutions align with their requirements.

WHAT TO EXPECT (Assessment Phase):

• Azure HPC Compatibility Check

• Cost Benefit Analysis: Tentative Cost Estimates

• Security & Compliance Overview: Discuss Azure Security and Compliance Certifications


• Scope: We'll work together to choose a representative workload or application, meaningful to the client, to showcase Azure's HPC capabilities. Here we will identify VMs, storage, and/or other Azure resources to control costs and complexity.

• Setup: Our Team will deploy a subset of Azure HPC components relevant to the PoC and use sample datasets, preferably provided by the client, to make the PoC results more relevant.

• Execution: We'll assist the client in migration and execution of one of their workloads in the HPC environment. Our Team will monitor and analyze performance metrics, resource utilization, etc.

• Comparison: Assist client in providing a comparison of the same workload or application running in the client's on-premises environment. Highlight improvements, scalability, and cost-efficiencies.