- Serviços de consultoria
Azure: 1-Wk Assessment
Phidiax cloud assessment provides a custom, detailed view of how Microsoft Cloud will increase your organization’s agility and save on expenditures.
At Phidiax, we are Microsoft Cloud Architects. We provide cloud implementation services and enterprise custom software solutions for organizations looking to harness the power of the Microsoft Cloud. Phidiax thrives on exchanging ideas, and adding value through expertise and experience.
We assist organizations with their journey to the cloud through our customized process of Assessment, Planning, Migration, Implementation, and Support.
Hybrid solutions, as well as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS).
Our solutions achieve scalability, elasticity, agility, availability, and cost effectiveness, while maintaining security and compliance.
As a Microsoft Managed Gold Systems Integrator and Software Consulting Services Provider, we are your trusted adviser and collaborate with organizations to create unique enterprise solutions.
We reduce knowledge silos and jointly expand our partners’ authority in the cloud.
The Assessment can be anything Azure, and could range from Custom Dev, Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, Azure Integration, DevOps, Data and Analytics, Azure Functions and Logic Apps, Data and Storage, Backup and Recovery, API Management, Assessments and Migrations, etc.