



Transform Your ConnectWise Data Into Actionable Insights

Cognition360’s next level business analytics solution transforms ConnectWise data into Actionable Insights that boost efficiency and profitability right across your business.  It provides a level of visibility into your ConnectWise Manage data through interactive Power BI reports not possible with other products. Because of this, customers are easily able to identify the levers to pull to provide immediate business improvements and returns to the bottom line.

Instead of static monthly reports that show where the business has been, Cognition360 drills down into interactive reports using live data to reveal what is happening in the business right now, day by day. Instead of reacting to what happened last month and not understanding why, you can track your KPIs day by day, immediately seeing what changes you need to make. Your reports become a dynamic part of your day by day tuning of your business.

With over 100 million tickets and time entries analyzed, we have Best Practice Benchmarks in the following areas of business improvement:

  • Technician Efficiency
  • Time Entry Quality
  • Agreement Profitability
  • Customer Profitability
  • Sales
  • Project Profitability

How are we unique?

  • Machine learning and predictive AI analytics enabled by the only productized data warehouse with star schema (Kimble-style Fact and Dimension model) optimized for ConnectWise available on the market today.
  • Over 130 out of the box reports, providing full drill through to individual tickets – all using Power BI.
  • Virtually no load on server, automatically updated for different versions of ConnectWise.
  • Connect to multiple other data sources quickly and securely.
  • Trending through the analysis of historical information. 
  • Strategic expert advice and support to help you according to your business priorities.

Find out what Cognition360 can do for your business

Cognition360 is fast and easy to implement. Insights are immediate.  Prospective customers are engaged via a free product demonstration, using their own data. Typically, this demo reveals immediate opportunities for business improvement.