Unify all types of data

Datanova Scientific LLC

Unify all types of data

Datanova Scientific LLC

Data Unifier is a universal translator. It converts any data-model, database, or format to another.

The Data Unifier (DU) is an advanced data unification tool. Blazingly fast and easy to use - it was originally created to solve the data unification problem for U.S. national intelligence. Its patent-pending tech is built ground-up for modern data and architectures, and out-performs most competing options.

Three core functions:

  1. Universal data translation: Losslessly transforms from any data model, database, or format to any other.
  2. Data quality: Inbuilt data quality tools track + improve data quality and QA.
  3. Data control: Inbuilt rules engine implements business and compliance processes.

Data points from existing clients

  • 91% time saved compared to Python coding.
  • 82% time saved compared to a traditional data-integration tool.
  • 5,000+ documents/second on a standard business machine.
  • Unified relational, JSON, XML, graph, and semi-structured data into one model.

Four operation modes

This ability alone puts DU head-and-shoulders above the rest (check out query-time below).

  1. Ingest time: DU can be used to ingest / ETL data into SQL and NoSQL systems. DU is better than traditional ETL approaches because it can work with all types of data, is ecosystem agnostic, and is agile to use.
  2. Query time: DU can fully unify data without replicating a single byte. On-demand unification allows data to remain where it is, and still be fully integrated with other systems.
  3. Real time: DU can unify data in streaming architectures such as Apache Spark or Kafka. The latest data is immediately available in the common, unified view.
  4. Hybrid: Different DU configurations can be used together to accommodate constraints gracefully.

Sample uses

  1. Data ingestion or ETL: Streaming or batch, SQL or NoSQL, for all types of data and files.
  2. Data lake unification: Using ‘query time’ operation mode, the full data lake is put under one query.
  3. Enterprise query layer: Create a single source of truth across all enterprise data.
  4. Data customization: Provide customized and secure views without replicating data.
  5. Data interoperation: Interoperate with other systems without editing your data model.
  6. Standards compliance: Improve compliance with standards such as NIEM, HIPAA, etc.
  7. System migration: Reduces hardware, time, and cost. DU flexible operation modes can handle mission-critical migrations with continuous operation.
  8. Create perfect data for analytics: DU eliminates repetitive data prep. It provides analytics with high-quality and consistent data. DU auto-discovers new data sources for analytics. Data customization can provide tailored data to each analytic.