



WeLoop federates your users throughout the lifecycle of your applications.

1. Description of the offer
WeLoop is a plug & play solution that federates your users into a community and secures digital transformation by making all parties actors of the transformation. It combines data and community to improve your apps continuously. 

Users will be able to express their feedback collectively without leaving their application. Each feedback is shared with all the community of users, which enables them to discuss and react to a topic instantly. 
    • Create a community of users committed to the improvement of their apps.
    • Use Machine Learning and AI to have precise target and analyze user needs.
    • Sort, prioritize and qualify users’ requests through an Intelligent Dashboard.
    • Collect some essential statistics for a better understanding of your projects. 

2. Type of user that benefits from the offer: 
The type of user that mainly benefits from WeLoop is Product Owner/ product manager. In fact they have to manage and deploy applications with a certain amount of users who are often in different countries. 
One of the problems that meets PO/PM that deploy applications, is that the application is not used by the users. In fact, these applications are not designed and do not target the main user needs. 

3. Customer need or pain that the offer addresses
Digital transformation drives an increase of 17% per year of new business applications. Nevertheless, studies show that 50% of developed features are not used. These applications are not adapted to real users’ needs because they don’t include users in their construction, whatever the project life cycle phase. 
Born at the heart of the digital transformation, WeLoop focuses mainly on the user-centric, i.e. the involvement of users in the development of business applications so that real needs can be identified easily and quickly. WeLoop gives an important place to the human implication in order to optimize the success of your applications. This is why WeLoop stands out by creating real communities characterized by a growing number of users and loops in all the projects where we have been deployed.

This application is available in English, Spanish, German and French.