Demand for Broadband Assessment


The Demand for Broadband Assessment will evaluate current and future demand for broadband services in the region.

Tilson will use Form 477 data to gain an understanding of the broad areas where broadband services are available and the network speeds advertised in those areas. We will then implement a 3rd party product called CrowdFiber to facilitate input from stakeholders which will then directly flow into a marketing or implementation plan.

The survey provides for the following:

  • It will allow Tilson to design and implement a set of survey questions that will allow us to identify current services used, satisfaction, and interest levels.
  • It will capture not only survey responses, but confirmed addresses, allowing the Commission to determine where potential demand is (and produce a map showing it).
  • survey questions will be customized to different geographic zones (for example, you may be interested in different information for regions within the assessment).
  • ability to utilize options to show respondents who is listed by the FCC as providing broadband service at their location currently, and allow them to provide confirming/disconfirming information.
  • visitors can run a speed test, and record the results.
  • It includes a web portal specific to the community, building awareness in the community.
  • integrated tools to facilitate sharing through e-mail, social media, and (at an additional cost) postcards, enabling interested users to aid in outreach to their neighbors.

In-person meetings with stakeholders (businesses, government agencies, and general consumers) will provide a forum to inform and gain support for a coordinated solution. Tilson will conduct an up-front and in-person interview with the project team to identify potential stakeholders.

Deliverables to include the results of all data gathering and a proposed plan to meet assessed demand.