Genetec Citigraf(TM)

Genetec Inc.

Genetec Citigraf(TM)

Genetec Inc.

A situational awareness platform for real time crime centers and cities.

Genetec Citigraf™ is a decision support system that unifies public safety operations across city departments, disseminates timely information, and provides greater situational awareness.

Genetec Citigraf enables public safety agencies to manage critical “situations-in-progress” more effectively and in real-time. Investigations are accelerated by connecting the “dots faster” and by extension, improving clearance rates.

Furthermore, Genetec Citigraf helps first responders ensure safety and situational awareness to patrol personnel by offering pre-arrival scene intelligence so that the patrol officers can make better decisions.

Genetec Citigraf aggregates, fuses, correlates and then, visualizes data onto a single “pane of glass”. The content and delivery of this “pane of glass” is then tailored to the needs of each of the different members of the anticipated user community - those charged with managing, analyzing and coordinating situations-in-progress.