Azure Cloud Health Check Assessment

Aptum Technologies (USA) Inc.

Learn how your Azure environment is aligned to Best Practices and gain actionable insights

Do you need to optimize Azure deployments, improve cloud utilization, maximize cloud security and control Azure costs?

If you need to move the needle in any of these areas the Azure Cloud Health Check Assessment from Aptum will provide real value for your planning and decision-making. This overarching assessment will give you new insights along with an action plan to optimize your Azure environment to reflect industry best practices.

BENCHMARK YOUR CURRENT AZURE ENVIRONMENT - Get a Best Practices Report that provides a detailed visualization of your Azure environment, resources and configuration. You’ll gain clarity on the details of your solution, and any gaps that exist compared with a best practice baseline.

VISUALIZE YOUR RESOURCES AND COSTS - The Assessment provides an executive summary of your Azure resource configuration and billing data.

COMPLIANCE REVIEW AGAINST THE CIS BENCHMARK - You get a full analysis of your Azure environment against the CIS benchmark. We will recommend next steps you should take to ensure your critical data remains secure and you maintain an appropriate governance posture.

GAIN ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS - Detailed reports and documentation will be tailored specifically to your Azure environment, providing actionable insights to enhance performance, availability, security and more.

GET AN OPTIMIZATION ACTION PLAN FOR FUTURE SUCCESS - Practical insights from Aptum’s Azure experts that identify not just what priorities you must address, but also an action plan for the steps you should take today to align your Azure environment to best practices.

Starting as low as $5,000 (USD) for over just 10 days, Aptum’s Professional Services team turns large volumes of data into actionable insights!