Integrated Data Governance with Data Factory and Purview


Synergize Azure Data Factory (ADF) and Purview for data integrity and compliance. Empower organizations to manage data strategically.

Integrated Data Management with Azure Data Factory and Azure Purview

The solution integrates the powerful ETL capabilities of Azure Data Factory with the comprehensive data governance of Azure Purview to ensure high-quality and well-governed data across the enterprise. It is specifically tailored to address common data quality issues such as inconsistency, duplication, and inaccuracy, along with enforcing data governance protocols for security and compliance. Our strategy helps businesses streamline their data processing workflows while maintaining oversight, transparency, and control over their data assets.

Key Features:

  • Data Integration and ETL: Flexible data integration and robust ETL pipelines powered by Azure Data Factory.
  • Comprehensive Data Discovery: Utilize Azure Purview for scanning, classifying, and cataloging data assets.
  • Automated Data Lineage: Visualize and track data lineage in Purview to understand data transformations and flow.
  • Governance Policy Design and Enforcement: Create and enforce governance policies to ensure data quality and compliance.
  • Scalability and Performance: A scalable cloud solution that can handle increased data loads and complex transformations.


  • Robust ETL Pipelines: Efficient and scalable ETL processes with Azure Data Factory.
  • Data Catalog: Comprehensive cataloging of data assets with Azure Purview.
  • Data Lineage Reports: Detailed visualization of data lineage to track data flow and transformations.
  • Governance Policies: Well-defined and enforced data governance policies for quality and compliance.
  • Scalable Data Management Solution: A flexible and scalable solution tailored to your data processing needs.

Next Steps:

  • Read our detailed Customer One Pager to understand the full scope of our solution.
  • Connect with our experts to discuss the benefits of using this integrated data management solution.
  • Schedule a consultation to map out your data management strategy with Azure Data Factory and Azure Purview.

Discover how our integrated data management solution can enhance your data processing and governance practices. Read our Customer One Pager for a snapshot of success or connect with our experts to discuss how this solution can benefit your business.