Data Governance with Microsoft Purview - 5-Day Proof of Concept

Confiz Limited

Tackle data governance challenges with Confiz’s services. Our assessment ensures transparent, reliable data usage for efficient operations and strategic analytics across organization.

Securing Business Resilience with Data Governance Framework

Microsoft Purview offers a comprehensive solution for your data governance needs. Our free assessment of your data governance state, led by the expert Confiz Data and Analytics team, provides a deep dive into how Microsoft Purview can transform your data governance framework. This assessment coupled with a hands-on Proof of Concept (POC) will not only introduce you to the key features of Microsoft Purview but also guide you through a tailored implementation in your Azure infrastructure over a structured five-day schedule.

Why should you opt for this free assessment?

  • Expert guidance: Receive direct support from our skilled team including Azure Infrastructure Engineers, Azure Data Engineers, and Data Architects.
  • Customized setup: We deploy a Modern Data Estate and configure a sample governance framework specific to your organizational needs.
  • Hands-on experience: Engage with Microsoft Purview through real-time data source ingestion and environment configuration using standard Purview connectors.
  • Informed decision-making: Understand the significant capabilities of Microsoft Purview through a detailed review and interactive sessions.
  • Future-ready: Learn about additional data governance capabilities that can be incorporated into your framework, such as Data Loss Prevention and Insider Risk Management.

Business benefits

  • Maximized data value: Leverage your data assets and platform investment to their fullest potential, ensuring a high return on investment.
  • Trusted information sources: Establish verified sources of truth that empower stakeholders with reliable, accessible data.
  • Enhanced data discovery: Facilitate the discovery of data assets, democratizing access and fostering an informed organizational culture.
  • Sensitive data management: Implement robust controls to manage and classify sensitive information, ensuring compliance and security.
  • Resilience and compliance: Strengthen your organizational resilience with a proactive data governance framework that meets regulatory compliance.

Five-Day Schedule for Purview Data Governance POC

  • Microsoft Purview Feature Review – Confiz will provide a one hour introduction to how Purview helps you manage and govern your data estate.
  • Data Estate Deployment – We will deploy a sample, end-to-end Modern Data Estate in your Azure infrastructure.
  • Data Source Ingestion – You can include a sample data source of your choice using the standard Purview connectors to be ingested into Purview.
  • Environment Configuration – Confiz will partner with you to configure a sample governance framework, including a data map, glossary terms, scan datasets, and pattern rules.
  • End-to-End Review – We will provide a one-hour review of the POC and Microsoft Purview features, including the ingestion and setup of your custom data source.

Results Learn how Confiz and Microsoft Purview can help you:

  • Maximize the value of your data assets and platform investment
  • Establish trusted sources of information for your stakeholders
  • Discover your data assets and democratize access
  • Manage and classify sensitive data