HubSpot and Five9 to Azure Synapse

Data Integrity Services, Inc.

Data integration solution designed for efficiency and reliability. Our service effortlessly extracts data from platforms like HubSpot and Five9 to Azure Synapse and on top of it Power BI dashboards.

Customer Value Proposition: Our Enhanced Data Integration Service offers businesses an end-to-end solution for data orchestration, leveraging the power of Microsoft's Azure Synapse and associated tools. In an age where data-driven decisions dictate success, our service promises seamless integration, secure storage, comprehensive processing, and intuitive data consumption. Customers benefit from our service's efficiency, security, and adaptability, ensuring a data pipeline tailored to their specific needs.

Connection to Microsoft Products: This service is deeply rooted in Microsoft's cloud ecosystem. It primarily leverages:

Azure: Specifically Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2 for storage, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks and Synapse for data processing, and Azure Cognitive Services and Azure ML for machine learning capabilities. Power BI: For data visualization, analysis, and reporting, ensuring that businesses can make data-driven decisions based on the insights they glean from their data. While the core of our service revolves around Azure and Power BI, it's designed to integrate smoothly with other Microsoft 365 tools, depending on the client's specific enterprise environment.

Pricing: The price for our service is variable, depending on factors such as the volume of data, complexity of data sources, and specific customization requests. A detailed assessment will be conducted to provide a more precise estimate.

Service Duration: While our solution offers rapid implementation, the duration can vary based on the scale of data integration required, the complexity of the source systems (like HubSpot and Five9), and any custom features requested. It can be deployed between 6 to 12 months.

Deliverables and Outcomes: Customers can expect:

Complete data integration from specified sources into Azure. Data stored systematically in Azure Data Lake. Data processed and transformed, ready for consumption. Seamless visualization options via Power BI, with custom dashboards and reports. Knowledge mining capabilities, tapping into both structured and unstructured data. Secure and compliant data sharing options.

Briefings: Typical discussion topics during our briefings will include understanding the client's current data landscape, the business objectives they're aiming to achieve through data integration, and any specific customizations or features they want to be included.

Workshop Agenda: For workshops spanning multiple days:

Day 1: Introduction to the Service Offer, Understanding Azure Synapse and Data Flow. Day 2: Deep Dive into Data Storage and Processing, Hands-on with Azure Tools. Day 3: Power BI Visualization Techniques, Custom Dashboards, and Reporting. Day 4: Knowledge Mining, AI Techniques, and Data Sharing Protocols. Day 5: Q&A, Addressing Custom Requirements, and Finalizing Implementation Plans.