AI Workshop: 3-Day Proof of Concept

Exadel Inc.

Workshop and POC to help functional and technical leaders learn about how AI can impact your organization.

Exadel AI Workshop

As your trusted partner, Exadel AI and Microsoft bring a story of enabling customers who aspire to leverage AI/ML but have difficulty knowing how AI/ML can help their business and/or where to get started.

Through a complimentary virtual 2-hour workshop, Exadel AI provides the opportunity for functional and technical leaders to learn about state-of-the-art AI, existing AI building blocks, Azure Cognitive Services, and ML Ops with Azure ML Studio all tailored to how it can impact your organization.


  • Educating functional and technical leaders on the current state of AI:
    • SOTA Large Language Models
    • AI Building Blocks with Azure Cognitive Services
    • ML Ops with Azure ML Studio
  • Brainstorming high-impact AI use cases with virtual white-boarding sessions
  • Identifying a top use case to get started with a 3-day POC

Exadel 3-day POC

Even after identifying a top use case, there are still some risks that the AI solution might not work for a variety of factors:

  • If creating a custom ML model, there might not be enough useful variance in the data to train a model with enough accuracy that reaches positive ROI
  • Data quality issues may impact the real-world utilization of the predictive model
  • Understanding your baseline accuracy, and if it is solving your organization’s problem, may take a considerable amount of time

Because of these challenges, it is difficult to estimate the full-scale development of an AI project up front. Therefore, Exadel AI combines its expertise and accelerators with powerful tools such as Azure Cognitive Services and Azure ML Studio to deliver a 3-day POC for you to estimate the baseline accuracy and better understand the organizational impact of a particular AI solution.