- Консультационные услуги
2-day implementation of Azure KEMP LoadMaster
2 day implementation of Azure KEMP LoadMaster for application workload load balancing within Microsoft Azure.
This is a two day engagement for the setup and configuration of a Azure KEMP Loadmaster virtual machine.
Deployment of KEMP Loadmaster Azure Virtual Machine.
Configuration of KEMP Loadmaster and azure virtual machine workloads
configure KEMP Virtual Services and necessary rule(s) to Azure Network Security Groups.
Testing and Knowledge Transfer
By the end of the implementation, the client will be able to access Azure virtual machine workloads through the KEMP Loadmaster and azure virtual machine workloads will be load balanced by the KEMP Virtual Loadmaster.
Systech IT Solutions are a Leading KEMP Centre Partner.
Systech has been a partner with Kemp Technologies since 2013, and our experienced highly skilled technical team provide a range of planning and design services, product demonstrations, trial licensing, training and support. We have successfully delivered Kemp solutions to customers globally and are the only partner globally to offer KEMP technical training.