Data & AI Platform for Education: 1Hr Briefing


Helping Education Institutions understand their students, employees, timtabling, admissions, space and research

In recent years education institutions have become data-led. Market competition means a far greater focus on rankings for research, student services and employability. Adatis understands the business challenges that Education institutes face and how important their data is. The Adatis Azure Data Platform for Education is a centralised enterprise level data hub that enables them to understand their Azure and on -premise data and perform real-time analysis. Challenges Adatis can address within Education:

  • Admissions & Enrolment: Education Institutions need insight into the Admissions & Enrolment Process to drive business improvements and efficiencies, ensure enrolment targets are met for both local and overseas students, and find areas to speed up the application decision process.

  • Human Resources: Multiple systems holding employee history, payroll, recruitment campaigns, and talent development with no consolidated single view. A consolidated Azure data platform enables reporting on staff turnover, the number of staff who need Visa’s to work in the UK & their Visa status and absence and sick leave count and length to analyse trends year on year.

  • Marketing: Education Institutions face an increasingly competitive market and need to attract students to apply. They need to understand which touchpoints are most successful in converting leads to students and ensure the students are correctly engaged at all touchpoints..

  • Timetabling & Space Management: Improve how space is managed within buildings and campuses to reduce the risk of wasted space and over capacity due to a lack of insight into class sizes, room occupancy and capacity.

  • Research: Universities undertake research with funding from both the UK and abroad and need to understand where the funding comes from, how economic factors may adversely affect funding levels and calculate outputs and ROI.