AnswerRocket Managed Application


AnswerRocket Managed Application


A GPT-powered AI assistant that automates analysis, visualizes data, and composes data stories.

AI-Powered Enterprise Analytics

AnswerRocket is an AI-powered augmented analytics platform that enables business users to get instant answers and insights from their data. With AnswerRocket, customers can monitor key metrics, identify performance drivers and detect critical issues in seconds.
AnswerRocket's AI assistant for data analysis, Max, harnesses OpenAI’s GPT technology to enable conversational enterprise analytics on proprietary data to enable business users to get governed, secure, and accurate analysis and insights on their business performance, just by chatting.
Companies like Anheuser-Busch InBev, Cereal Partners Worldwide, Suntory Global Spirits, Coty, Hi-Rez Studios, and National Beverage Corporation depend on AnswerRocket to increase speed to insights.

Enable Data-Driven Decisions at Scale

AnswerRocket’s augmented analytics platform leverages OpenAI’s GPT large language model to deliver a simple conversational AI experience for insights discovery. Users can ask Max natural language questions and get accurate insights and visualizations in seconds. GPT’s advanced language processing capabilities allow Max to understand and respond to a wide range of queries.

Key features:
  • Easy data exploration: Effortlessly ask natural language questions and receive instant insights tailored to your data, such as metric drivers, trends, and outliers. Unveil hidden insights, enabling you to take actionable steps.
  • Advanced analysis capabilities: Leverage built-in advanced analytics capabilities to run statistical, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Enable broader access to actionable insights across your teams, facilitating informed decision-making processes.
  • Combining structured and unstructured data sources for richer answers: A significant amount of knowledge within organizations is housed in unstructured formats such as research reports, playbooks, and presentations. By harnessing both types of data, AnswerRocket not only provides quantitive analysis but also composes a full, contextualized narrative answer that includes valuable insights gleaned from unstructured sources.
  • Streamlined data setup: AnswerRocket facilitates rapid data connection, preparation, and analysis, thanks to a streamlined data configuration experience powered by GPT. This includes automated data classification, definitions, synonyms, and suggested questions, reducing the setup time to a matter of minutes.
  • Trainable model: AnswerRocket can be trained to understand your business and analysis preferences. By continuously learning from user input, your insights improve over time.

Create Custom AI Analytics Assistants with Skill Studio

Skill Studio provides organizations with the ability to personalize their AI assistants to their specific business, department, and role, which enables users to more easily access relevant, highly specialized insights. Skill Studio elevates Max’s existing analytics capabilities by conducting domain-specific analyses, such as running cohort and brand analyses.

Key capabilities of Skill Studio include:
  • Full Development Environment: End-to-end experience supporting the software development lifecycle for developers to gather requirements, develop, test, and deploy Skills to the AnswerRocket platform.
  • Low-Code UX: User-friendly interface for developers and analysts to create customized Skills for the end users they support.
  • Reusable Code Blocks: Accelerate custom Skill development with pre-built code blocks for analysis, insights, charts, tables, insights, and more.
  • Bring Your Own Models: Deploy their existing machine learning algorithms within the Max experience.
  • Create Purpose-Built AI analysts: Construct AI assistants designed for specific roles by giving them access to the Skills needed to perform a set of analytical tasks.
  • Quality Assurance & Answer Validation: Testing framework for validating accuracy of answers generated by Skills.