GetSimple CMS
ATH Infosystems
GetSimple CMS
ATH Infosystems
GetSimple CMS
ATH Infosystems
Version 3.3.16 + Free Support on Ubuntu 20.04
GetSimple CMS is developed to create smaller websites medium to large websites due to the extendability of the platform via plug-ins and themes. The target groups of the CMS are organizations, companies, and individuals who need small to medium-sized websites. GetSimple CMS is a free web Content Management System with the primary goal of being simple and easy to use. It is based on PHP's programming language and uses XML files to store the content.
Prime features of GetSimple CMS:
- Easy installation
- Easy customization through themes
- User-friendly interface
- Multiple user management
- XML Based
- Easy "Undo" feature
- Designed For the Small-Site Market