Axians Digital Healthcare Workplace

Axians Communication Solutions

Axians Digital Healthcare Workplace

Axians Communication Solutions

Work smarter, faster and secure with the Axians digital healthcare workplace

 The online Healthcare workplace

The workplace is no longer a static environment but must be able to grow with the organization. That's why you can flexibly scale up and down with the number of users, activate new services quickly, easily connect it to new or other services developed with an API, and that security is an integral part of your workspace. The online healthcare workplace takes care of this. The purchase, installation, management, support and lifecycle management is part of the service. Developments in the field of the workplace and all the tools needed to work well together are moving at lightning speed. It is becoming increasingly easy to integrate public cloud services with organization business processes. Office 365, Intune, and Azure AD are examples of this. If employees do not have simple tools to work (together) online, they will look for them themselves. Conversations about clients are conducted via Facebook, files are photographed and shared via WhatsApp. This is not a desirable situation when it comes to privacy sensitive  information. We also e-mail something. Studies by Citrix,  Forrester  and IDC show that the average office worker spends half her working time on email. The question that can then be asked how efficient is e-mail actually? Do we work effectively together? It works with multiple versions of files. After that, these are also shared with colleagues for adjustments. This should be more efficient, right?

 Adoption and functional onboarding  to innovate

But in order to get employees involved in the developments at a rapid pace, they must be given a "soft landing" within the organization. The level of knowledge of employees can vary quite a bit and will therefore also require a different approach to make the adoption of new tooling or applications successful. The common "they just have to start using it", backfires. Because new types of workspaces, Apps and Office365 require the right guidance. At the end of the day, it's about what people are going to do with it. We have to take care of the users!

 Which Online Workspace is suitable?

The personalized Online Workplace for Healthcare does not focus on technology, but on the employee. What does someone need to do their job properly? This depends on the applications they work with, the location the work and on the device that someone prefers to use. By combining these factors, we have developed four types of workspace that meet the needs of healthcare workers at locations, outpatient care providers, office workers, management and externally hired personnel.