Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

It follows the principle of flat-file CMS platforms.

Some of these key technologies include: Twig Templating: For powerful control of the user interface Markdown: For easy content creation YAML: For simple configuration Parsedown: For fast Markdown and Markdown Extra support Doctrine Cache: For performance Pimple Dependency Injection Container: For extensibility and maintainability Gregwar Image Library:For dynamic image manipulation Some features of Grav CMS are: There are so many features and functionality of Grav like: Flat-File Architecture: Grav has the highly optimized flat-file architecture and is fast and flexible to use. Smart caching: The system of Grav uses the sophisticated caching and it knows very well when to update the cache automatically. CLI Tools: Command line tools such as dependency installation, cache clearing, user creation, and backups! Powerful Configuration Overrides: It allows the ultimate in It also allows the configuration flexibility with the Powerful YAML-based configuration with environment-based overrides Multi-Site Capabilities: Grav also allows you to run multiple sites, as well as with the other advanced setups options also. SEO Friendly: Grav is SEO Friendly. It provides the Human-readable URLs along with site-wide and per-page metadata. Routing and Redirection: Grav provides the Powerful site-wide and per-page routing and redirection capabilities provide enhanced usability and SEO flexibility. Users and Roles: Users and roles can be easily created and you can easily set the permissions to restrict access to any page. Simple Backups / Restore: Grav is the file based architecture which means that backing up and restoring your data is trivial. Minimal Requirements: Grav runs on PHP 5.5.9 and greater, including 99% of web servers, out-of-the-box and has the minimum requirements.