Cookie-Free Unified Marketing Analytics, Attribution & Automation:

QueryClick Ltd

Cookie-Free Unified Marketing Analytics, Attribution & Automation:

QueryClick Ltd

A marketing analytics & automation AI platform to unify all marketing activity online and off.

Cookie-Free Unified Marketing Analytics, Attribution & Automation:

Corvidae is a cookie free marketing analytics & automation platform using patented AI to uniquely unify and attribute the impact of all marketing activity online and off.

Marketing measurement is broken - with the loss of cookies in 2022 from all major browsers, the ability of existing analytics packages such as Adobe Analytics and GA4 to stitch together customer conversion paths to provide accurate marketing analytics data was lost.

Corvidae replaces the use of cookies anywhere in your measurement or Adtech automation stack, instead using globally patented AI processes to rebuild conversion paths by probabilistically stitching together clickstream events. This approach is unique to market, and takes analytics accuracy up from around 20% for existing analytics systems, to a measurable accuracy of 95%.

This rebuilding process provides radical improvement in insight and automation for marketers.

Corvidae paths can be connected to your AdTech via Corvidae’s API to allow their bid optimisation algorithms to typically reduce CPA by 15% and increase revenue by 10%. This is a dramatic increase in efficiency and growth that can be universally applied to Adtech regardless of strategy.

In Google Ads, you will typically return 20:1 ROAS on reallocated budget, in Facebook 35:1 ROAS. A case study deployment of Corvidae to unify online and offline marketing activity including TV spot data returned ROI of 40:1

In addition to effective automation, Corvidae offers a comprehensive suite of intuitive reports to allow marketers to understand the attributed value of their marketing activity with a single point of truth that eliminates all cannibalisation in reporting, and which can be calibrated to your P&L for provably accurate alignment with your financial reporting.

Data compliance is crucial for modern marketing stacks, and Corvidae is leading the way with compliant Azure deployments suitable for GDPR, PECR, ePrivacy, BDSG (German Data Protection Act), and CCPA compliance, and local Azure data centre options for additional security measures. Corvidae has been scored as low risk for banking deployments in the UK & Europe.

Benefits of Corvidae

  • Replace cookies with AI for a future-proof, compliant and accurate marketing measurement system that unifies all marketing activity online and offline.
  • Automate digital marketing activity by providing Corvidae conversion paths that are typically 2x - 4x longer than AdTech's own paths, reducing Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) by 15% and increasing revenue by over 10% on average.
  • Eliminate cannibalisation in your marketing reporting, align marketing reports to P&L, and understand the true effectiveness of an ad placed anywhere in your marketing mix with powerful attribution options.

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