Data#3 Azure Remediation Service - 2-Week Implementation

Data#3 Limited

The Azure Remediation Service takes the outputs from an Azure Health Check and implements the recommendations made, such as improving security, subscriptions, resource tagging and rightsizing.

Ongoing setup and health issues in the Azure environment can be extremely common

Clients regularly experience serious security issues and overspending by 70%, due to a lack of knowledge in best practice Azure setup. You’ve invested in cloud and have discovered serious issues with your Azure setup. What do you do now?

Did your Health Check find room for improvement in:

  • Cost - You are spending too much in Azure?
  • Subscriptions - Your Azure subscriptions misaligned with organisational structure?
  • Tagging - Tagging isn’t being used, and is impacting chargeback reporting?
  • Continuity - Your continuity isn’t aligned to best practice to maximise uptime?

You need Azure Remediation!

What is the Azure Remediation Services?

Executing production changes to an Azure environment requires careful planning, and fundamental changes such as subscription topology are a major change. Advanced optimisation require Azure and security skills that can be complex and multi-layered. It’s important to ensure these remediation changes are implemented correctly. The Azure Remediation Service takes the outputs from an Azure Health Check and implements the recommendations made. Every hour you don’t fix your costs represents more budget to maintain an inefficient setup.

What to expect from an Azure Remediation Service

The Azure Remediation Service will action the recommendations from an Azure Health Check. The service will:

  • Implement security recommendations
  • Implement Azure subscription setup and configuration
  • Implement tagging for resource utilisation/chargeback billing
  • Implement cost optimisation recommendations, including AHUB, Reserved Instances and rightsizing

Data#3 can then manage the solution ongoing should your team not have the skills or resources.

Why Data#3

Data#3 is Microsoft’s largest Australian partner, and has unparalleled competencies in Azure, licensing, system integration and managed services.