BryteFlow Ingest Enterprise Edition
Bryte Systems
BryteFlow Ingest Enterprise Edition
Bryte Systems
BryteFlow Ingest Enterprise Edition
Bryte Systems
Data load and sync into Azure Synapse SQL, ADLS Gen2, AZ SQL DB, MS SQL Server and Snowflake DW
BryteFlow Ingest keeps your databases in sync. The software automatically transforms source data structures and schemas to build identical data sets in Azure. Log based change tracking enables continuous detection and transfer of incremental changes. Builds Type 2 SCDs out of the box.
Automate Change Data Capture (CDC), real time data ingestion from Oracle and SQL Server and other RDBMS’s to Azure Synapse SQL (formerly Azure SQL Data Warehouse), Azure Data Lake Gen 2(ADLS2), Azure SQL Database, Microsoft SQL Server and Snowflake, with minimal load on the source.
• Fast time to integrated data delivery
• Automated Time series data build with type 2 SCDs
• Automate Data Transfer and Azure Integration
• Click based user interface to set up data transfer to Azure Synapse SQL , ADLS2, SQL DB or Snowflake in minutes without the need for any coding or scripting.
• Azure Integration technology to automatically sync & convert source data types/schemas to build Azure SQL tables.
• Real Time Data Transfer & Sync
• Automatically detect incremental changes at source and sync with Azure
• Transaction log based change tracking
• Low Impact
Common use cases
SQL Server to Azure Synapse SQL, ADLS2, SQL DB or Snowflake
Oracle to Azure Synapse SQL, ADLS2, SQL DB or Snowflake
Key Features
• Zero footprint & low impact - log based change capture
• Automatically generate schemas and tables in Azure
• Maintain full change history
• Content views and filters at row-level
• Click based user interface
• Automated monitoring and alerts
• Automated resync capabilities
BryteFlow Enterprise Edition comprises of:
1. BryteFlow Ingest - Data replication software
2. BryteFlow XL Ingest - Bulk Data loading software
3. BryteFlow Trudata - Data Reconciling software
4. BryteFlow Control Room- Monitoring Dashboard for all the Ingestion pipelines
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