Global Brands-HPC


Global Brands-HPC


Azure High-performance computing (HPC)

❑ Optimized for HPC workloads. Whether it’s fluid dynamics, finite element analysis, seismic processing, reservoir simulation, or weather modeling, run your workloads with maximum performance, scalability, and cost efficiency on Azure.
❑ Extend your HPC environment to the cloud. Use Azure HPC resources on your terms. Dynamically burst to the cloud to complement your on-premises capabilities, or even fully migrate entire HPC environments and workflows.

Supercomputer networking
InfiniBand bandwidth and latency, with support for RDMA verbs, OFED drivers, and all MPI types and versions, including OpenMPI, MVAPICH2, Platform MPI, and Intel MPI—Azure is the only public cloud to offer InfiniBand

Powerful compute
Extraordinary scalability and versatility with fully managed, dedicated supercomputers from Cray, powerful CPU and GPU virtual machines (VMs), highly capable virtual desktop offerings, and a wide-array of fast, and flexible storage options

Seamless integration
Easily extend existing HPC resource environments to Azure— no need to re-architect your applications for the cloud. Use Azure tools to clone your clusters to the cloud and manage your application workflows