Nexetic Backup for Microsoft 365


Nexetic Backup for Microsoft 365


Safeguard your business critical data in Microsoft 365

What if your data in Microsoft 365 service was lost or became inaccessible? Nexetic safeguards your company’s valuable data in Microsoft 365 and ensures that your business can continue without interruption.

Cyber threats, ransomware, phishing attacks, service outages, user errors and account hijacking pose serious risks to the M365 data. A reliable backup solution offers the best protection for your data. Nexetic Backup for Microsoft 365 is the most comprehensive backup solution on the market, with full Teams backup. It offers:

  • Instant deployment. 1-minute configuration, no installations!
  • Fast data restore. All data can be restored from backup immediately.
  • The best backup coverage on the market, including full Teams backup.
  • Flexible licensing models. No need to license all users in the M365 tenant.
  • Sign-in with Microsoft. Option to create alternative login credentials.
  • Unlimited version history for all data.

The service is built on Microsoft Azure. It is 100% cloud native, making it scalable, fast and secure. Backup data is stored encrypted in a high-security data center in the EU. The storage location is Microsoft Azure North Europe, Ireland.

Nexetic is an established Finnish service provider with more than 10 years of experience in cloud backup solutions. Dustin, Telia and ALSO are among our 400+ trusted partners and 5000+ happy customers.