SCIM TrackTik provisioning

Tracktik Software Inc.

SCIM TrackTik provisioning

Tracktik Software Inc.

TrackTik provisioning: Provision users and groups from Azure to TrackTik

Adding value to your TrackTik experience: Set up and use provisioning to sync users and groups from Microsoft Azure to TrackTikCloud

You can use provisioning for Microsoft Azure to reduce the risk of errors and make your business more efficient when you onboard and offboard employees.

TrackTik specifically follows the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM).

SCIM uses two primary resources that are good to keep in mind when starting off:

  • Users convert to employees in TrackTik.
  • Groups convert to roles in TrackTik.
You can provision users and groups from Microsoft Azure to TrackTik to reduce manually adding each employee or role to TrackTik Portal. The provisioning process reduces administrative errors and is a great way to save time, which ultimately saves money.
With provisioning to TrackTik, you are asked to create a provision application, test your connection, map the data flow, and then set up and sync your users and groups.

Before you start

Here are some things you need before you start the provisioning process:
  • Get Microsoft Azure admin access to Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Enterprise applications.
  • We recommend checking out Set up and use provisioning for Microsoft Azure
  • Contact your Customer Success Specialist (CSS) or TrackTik Support team to get a provisioning token. This requires knowing which TrackTik Portal URL you want the access token for and the administrator credentials that can take care of the integration.

Support for your provisioning

If you need support for your provisioning: