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Capgemini Managed Security Services for Sentinel
Capgemini’s managed Cybersecurity Services for Sentinel orchestrates the multiple roles, processes and technologies needed to enable a powerful managed, detect and respond service.
Capgemini’s managed Cybersecurity Services for Sentinel orchestrates the multiple roles, processes and technologies needed to enable a powerful managed, detect and respond service. We continuously adapt and improve our Operating Model (People, Process and Technology) to advance our service to being more proactive and more intelligent. Comprising a set of processes, technologies, and a team of trusted security analysts and R&D specialists, Capgemini’s managed security service on Sentinel provides complete visibility of both an enterprise’s IT and its security system. Azure Sentinel, Microsoft’s cloud-native security SIEM product, provides intelligent security analytics at scale. It complements our next generation managed services platform incorporating: cloud-native elasticity; embedded machine learning; automation, cloud native storage; and advanced hunting and investigating capabilities to maximize analyst efficiency, reduce mean time to recover/Detect (MTTR/D), and economically scale to address ever increasing demands.
With a cloud-oriented pay-as-you-go pricing model, pre-built content, and improved functionality, we ensure our clients tap into the power of automation, intelligence cost effectively. Customer Benefits:
Note: Terms, duration, conditions, and pricing are custom to each engagement and annual renewals.