Azure Marketplace
Danışmanlık Hizmetleri
Market'te Ara
Azure Marketplace
Market'te Ara
Azure Marketplace
Market'te Ara
Azure Marketplace
Market'te Ara
Çözüm Alanları
Kullanmaya Başlayın
App Modernization
AI + Machine Learning
Big Data
Data Platform
Datacenter Management
Disaster Recovery
Internet of Things
Geçiş >
Service Types
Pricing Model
Tüm sonuçlar
Protera - Move to Azure: 2-Week Cloud Assessment
1 out of 60
Road to the Cloud + Landing Zone [Modules 1 + 2 + 3]
2 out of 60
Road to the Cloud [Phases 1+2]
3 out of 60
Microsoft Azure: 2 week Proof of Concept
4 out of 60
Infinity Lamps: 4-Weeks Implementation
5 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop: 2h briefing
6 out of 60
SAP Migration Readiness: 2-Wk Assessment
7 out of 60
Cloud Security Assessment
8 out of 60
Analytics Assessment
9 out of 60
Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration Assessment
10 out of 60
Azure Ingestion Framework: 4-week Implementation
11 out of 60
Data Warehouse Migration Assessment
12 out of 60
Sustainability Assessment
13 out of 60
Cloud Migration
14 out of 60
Skaylink Update Management mit Azure Arc: 1-Day Implementation
15 out of 60
Competence as a Service: 12-Months Consulting
16 out of 60
Azure Data Warehouse Assessment + PoC: 4 Wochen
17 out of 60
FinOps Program: 4-Week Assessment
18 out of 60
Azure Migration Services
19 out of 60
Azure Operational Managed Services - Advanced
20 out of 60
Cloud Native Development: 1-hour briefing
21 out of 60
Data Warehouse Foundation – 4 weeks implementation
22 out of 60
Purview Compliance by Code Automation: 3 -Mo Workshop
23 out of 60
Exist Software Labs Inc. Azure Cloud-Native Services
24 out of 60
Data Strategy Service: 3-Wk Assessment
25 out of 60
SQL End Of Life - 1 day Workshop (Noventiq)
26 out of 60
Bechtle Mission Azure Go to cloud: 3 days
27 out of 60
Bechtle Azure Checkpoint: 3 days
28 out of 60 Content Modelling and Azure Integration Workshop
29 out of 60
Analytics Workload Cloud Migration: 3-Wk Proof of Concept
30 out of 60
Evaluación de capacidad VMware: Migración AVS para tu organización
31 out of 60
32 out of 60
Managed Azure Infrastructure
33 out of 60
FastForward for Azure Modern Data Platform
34 out of 60
Azure Migration Engagement: 1 Week
35 out of 60
Azure Virtual Desktop Proof of Concept: 4 Weeks
36 out of 60
Azure Migration: 2-Wk Assessment
37 out of 60
Legacy Migration to Azure Cloud: Consultancy and assessment
38 out of 60
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Proof of Concept: 2 Weeks
39 out of 60
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure: 1-Day Assessment
40 out of 60
Azure Databricks - 2 Week Lakehouse Quickstart
41 out of 60
Migration to Azure: 4-Week Assessment
42 out of 60
Digital Innovation Accelerator/Modernization at Scale: 12:wk Implementation
43 out of 60
RISE with SAP S/4HANA project on Azure: 12 months total SAP implementation
44 out of 60
Azure Stack HCI Services
45 out of 60
SAP on Azure Migration Assessment
46 out of 60
Modern Workplace Assessment
47 out of 60
MKI Azure VMware Solution 早期導入サービス
48 out of 60
Espire Azure Migration/Digital Transformation: 4weeks Implementation
49 out of 60
MKI Managed Service: 4-Wk Implementation
50 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services 2 Weeks Implementation
51 out of 60
Data and AI Services - 3-Week Assessment
52 out of 60
SAP Cloud Infrastructure Advisory: 1-3 Days Workshop
53 out of 60
Servicio de Desarrollo de Aplicación Móvil en Azure: 4 semanas aproximadas
54 out of 60
Servicio de Desarrollo de Aplicación Web en Azure: 4 semanas de desarrollo
55 out of 60
FY23_Managed Services 1 Week Assessment
56 out of 60
Azure Architecture: 3-days assessment
57 out of 60
Azure Managed Database Services: 1-Hour Briefing
58 out of 60
KK: 1-Day Azure Design and Planning Workshop
59 out of 60
.NET App Modernisation: 2-Wk Code Review
60 out of 60