Deployment Service for Azure AD Connect - Microsoft 365 - Canada


Leverage Azure AD Connect to sync your on-premises Active Directory identities, groups and computers to their Microsoft 365 tenants.

Since 2015, Microsoft 365 customers have been relying on Azure AD Connect (AADConnect) to sync their on-premises Active Directory identities, groups and computers to their Microsoft 365 tenants. This service allows for a streamlined experience for their cloud users and streamlines management of both systems. Microsoft has recently announced the next version of AADConnect (AADConnect V2), which is now available for organizations to deploy in their environment. Unlike typical updates to Azure AD Connect V1, which can be completed automatically by Microsoft, this upgrade will require direct action from the administrator to deploy the V2 version of the tool. Organizations of all types should be looking to transition to the latest version of AADConnect V2 quickly to realize the following benefits:

• Maintain a Microsoft-supported tool (support for V1 ends Aug. 21, 2022) • Receive TLS 1.2 support • Update MSAL Authentication library • Update local SQL database • Avoid future sync issues as TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support is dropped by Microsoft • Avoid future issues when ADAL authentication goes out of support

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