Azure Migration Assessment: 4-Wk Assessment

Exodus Integrity Services, Inc.

Our Azure certified exports will review your current I.T. environment and provide comprehensive analysis of key areas and their readiness for cloud adoption.

The 4 week Azure Migration Assessment offers organizations a comprehensive evaluation of their readiness for transitioning to Microsoft Azure. Through meticulous analysis of infrastructure, applications, data, security, compliance, and cost factors, the assessment identifies migration candidates, assesses compatibility with Azure services, and creates a strategic migration roadmap. This informed roadmap outlines phased sequences, timelines, resources, and dependencies. The assessment culminates in a detailed report and presentation, equipping stakeholders with valuable insights to make well-informed decisions. Ultimately, the assessment expedites a successful Azure migration by addressing potential challenges proactively and setting a clear path for a seamless transition.

The Assessment will cover:

Wk-1: Discovery and Infrastructure Assessment

  • Welcome and introduction to the assessment objectives and process.
  • Initial data gathering: Collect information about current infrastructure, applications, databases, and interdependencies.
  • Identification of potential migration candidates and their criticality.
  • In-depth analysis of existing infrastructure: Servers, storage, network components, and data centers.
  • Assessment of virtualization technologies, if applicable.
  • Discussion on Azure infrastructure options: Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure App Service, etc.
  • Preliminary identification of infrastructure components that can be directly migrated or require modifications.
### Wk-2: Application and Data Assessment
  • Examination of applications: Architecture, technology stack, dependencies, and compatibility with Azure services.
  • Review of data sources, databases, and data storage requirements.
  • Assessment of application code and its readiness for Azure deployment.
  • Evaluation of data migration complexities, considering data volume and data transfer methods.
### Wk-3: Security and Compliance Assessment
  • Analysis of security requirements and existing security measures.
  • Discussion on Azure security features: Azure Active Directory, Network Security Groups, Azure Security Center, etc.
  • Identification of compliance regulations and how they align with Azure's compliance offerings.
  • Development of a security and compliance roadmap for the migration process.
### Wk-4: Cost Analysis, Roadmap, and Presentation
  • Cost analysis: Estimation of potential Azure costs, including licensing, compute, storage, and networking.
  • Exploration of cost-saving opportunities and optimization strategies.
  • Creation of a migration roadmap: Sequencing of migration phases, timelines, resource requirements, and dependencies.
  • Preparation of a comprehensive assessment report and presentation for stakeholders.
Total cost will depend on size of current environment.