OpeNgine DevOps Accelerator: 1-Hour Briefing

Globallogic Inc.

A modular, integrated, ready-to-use DevOps tool chain that drastically accelerates product development

GlobalLogic offers free 1-hour briefing for technology leadership with the focus on accelerated adoption of Azure cloud and CI\CD best practices.

OpeNgine for Azure by GlobalLogic is a comprehensive, integrated DevOps solution that automates cloud infrastructure setup, installs tools, and jump-starts CI\CD pipelines. Based on proven technologies and GlobalLogic’s accumulated experience, the OpeNgine accelerator drastically reduces the implementation timeline from months to weeks.

Topics for 1-hour briefing:

  • OpeNgine overview & capabilities
  • OpeNgine support for Azure resources and managed services
  • GlobalLogic experience in Azure DevOps & Kubernetes (AKS)
  • Further collaboration model

What customer will get:

  • Understanding on how implementation of Azure infrastructure and CI\CD can be accelerated
  • How OpeNgine handles Azure services
  • Potential benefits for new and existing projects
  • How GlobalLogic can help building solutions on top of Azure Kubernetes Services