Azure Sentinel Proof of Concept

Fellowmind Denmark A/S

Create a functional overview of threats and security incidents with Azure Sentinel - 2 days workshop Proof of Concept

Businesses today are experiencing a vast amount of security threats. Many spend too much time combining and identifying abnormalities and possible incidents in their IT environment. Therefore, numerous businesses have a noticeable need for a solution that supports the organization in focusing on the most important threats. Hereby eliminating unnecessary abstractions when working with IT security.

The user friendly and cloud based SIEM solution: Azure Sentinel, provides an intelligent overview of the most important security warnings and incidents. This enables you and your business to instead spend time where it creates the utmost security value.

Azure Sentinel uses artificial intelligence to analyze a large number of threats every day and filters the noise from the numerous activities. Thus, the service gives you a much better and more focused overview of the threats you should be aware of and be able to react to. Azure Sentinel makes it easy to collect security data across logs from all your devices, including network, firewall, servers, IT systems, endpoints, and cloud. This is regardless of whether they are to be found in your on-premises environment, in Azure or in other cloud service.

If you are interested in taking the first step towards gaining the advantage of Azure Sentinel's many benefits, then ProActive can help you get started with our Proof of Concept (PoC). Our Azure Sentinel PoC unfolds during two workshop days and is composed based on ProActive security baselines.

During the two workshop days we will create an overview of your current infrastructure and data center platform as well as which requirements and needs your baseline meets today. During the workshops, your relevant data sources will be connected to Azure Sentinel. Standard Work Books and Analytics are set up in Azure Sentinel, so monitoring, visualizing and analyzing of your data becomes possible. This ensures a functional overview of alerts and incidents already during the workshop.