
Edgeless Systems GmbH


Edgeless Systems GmbH

Constellation is the world's first always-encrypted Kubernetes, powered by confidential computing

Constellation leverages confidential computing to isolate entire Kubernetes clusters from the infrastructure. Finally, the public cloud turns into your private cloud.

Important! This marketplace listing is not meant for direct consumption by deploying a single virtual machine. DO NOT create a Virtual Machine from this offering directly. Please follow the instructions in the Getting Started section below.

Designed for businesses that prioritize security without compromising on performance, Constellation uses cutting-edge confidential computing to transform public cloud resources into a fortified private cloud environment. It’s an ideal choice for enterprises that require uncompromising data protection across all states - at rest, in transit, and during processing. Constellation wraps your K8s cluster into a single confidential context that is shielded from the underlying cloud infrastructure. Everything inside is always encrypted, including at runtime in memory. For this, Constellation leverages confidential computing (see the whitepaper) and more specifically Confidential VMs.

Key features:

  1. Unparalleled data security
  2. With Constellation, your data is always encrypted, no matter the state. This ensures that your sensitive information remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized entities.

  3. Assured cluster integrity
  4. We employ the latest supply-chain security mechanisms and remote attestation to verify the integrity of your entire cluster, providing a secure foundation for your applications.

  5. Optimized performance and scalability
  6. Experience high availability, autoscaling, and near-native performance. Constellation is engineered for enterprises that need robust performance alongside their security.

Why choose Constellation?

  • Confidential computing leveraged
  • Constellation is at the forefront of Confidential Computing platforms, harnessing the power of confidential computing to provide an unprecedented level of security.

  • Consistent operations across environments
  • Constellation offers a uniform operational experience whether in multi-cloud or hybrid environments, simplifying the management of applications and infrastructure.

  • Easy to use and integrate
  • Constellation is a CNCF-certified Kubernetes. System administrators and operations teams will find the command line-interface (CLI) and Terraform Provider intuitive, offering control over clusters with seamless integration of infrastructure management via Infrastructure-as-code.

  • Open source
  • The source code of Constellation is accessible for anyone to review on GitHub. This enables meaningful remote attestation.

Support and availability:

Constellation’s marketplace support plan primarily provides email support, with a guaranteed response time of 48 hours during business hours. This plan is part of our Edgeless support subscription, which ensures your team has access to necessary assistance within these constraints. For those seeking more comprehensive support solutions, Edgeless Systems also offers premium options. These include 24x7 access to our support engineers for high severity issues, among other benefits. For detailed information about the full range of Constellation’s support options, please reach out to our sales team directly.

Getting started

  1. Activate support
  2. Upon purchasing Constellation, activate your support subscription to gain immediate access to our team of experts. Please follow the support registration page.

  3. Deploy your cluster
  4. Follow our step-by-step guide to deploy your secure Constellation Kubernetes cluster on Azure.