Copilot Readiness Assessment

KPCS CZ, s.r.o.

Assess your readiness for Microsoft Copilot with our tailored engagement! Gain insights from experts, align Copilot with your goals, and evaluate licensing, technical, and organizational readiness.

Introduction - Understand your organisation’s readiness for Microsoft Copilot Copilot Readiness Assessment (Discovery) is a tailored engagement that helps enterprises to understand how to use Microsoft Copilot and Open AI on Azure effectively and to evaluate their readiness for implementation. Our clients will gain a deeper understanding of Microsoft Copilot through a session led by experts and interactive discussions, enabling them to harness its potential. Our experts in Data and Open AI on Azure, Digital Workplace, Adoption and Change Management, Security will help our clients to align Microsoft Copilot’s capabilities with their goals and to assess their licensing, technical, and organisational readiness.

Assessment components In this assessment, you will discover clear and prioritised use cases where Microsoft Copilot can help you to achieve business impact in your organisation and assess your readiness (prevent data overshare, learn about licensing/security/compliance requirements, prepare your people/policy/culture).

Deliverables include:

  1. Readiness assessment
  2. Implementation roadmap based on priorities
  3. “Next 30 days” plan for getting started with Microsoft Copilot

How it Works

  1. Kickoff: Introduction to Microsoft Copilot and adjustment of assessment agenda to your objectives and AI readiness state
  2. Licensing: Assessment of your current licenses to determine your eligibility for Microsoft Copilot enablement
  3. Technical: Examination of your existing infrastructure, application landscape, and data architecture to determine your ability to benefit from Copilot’s features
  4. Organisation: Assessment of your organisational readiness to support efficient end-user adoption, training, and proficiency within daily workplace applications
  5. Conclusion: Examination of your existing infrastructure, application landscape, and data architecture to determine your ability to benefit from Copilot’s features