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LBAN_Secure_Static_Web_Hosting:3Days Implementation
Hosting Secure static websites on Azure Storage Accounts involves uploading HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files in a container named $web, setting index and error pages and mapping to a domain name
Hosting secure static websites on Azure Storage Accounts entails uploading HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to a designated container named $web, configuring index and error pages, associating a custom domain name, and enhancing security by utilizing Azure Front Door for content delivery acceleration and protection against DDoS attacks. This approach ensures efficient content delivery, robust security measures, and seamless management of static web content on Azure Storage Accounts. All HTTP request will also be redirected to HTTPS. Further details on these are enumerated below:
Storage Container: Content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images) is stored in a container named $web within a general-purpose V2 or BlockBlobStorage account, facilitating direct serving of static content without the need for a web server.
Configuration: Enabling static website hosting involves specifying default index and error pages (e.g., index.html, 404.html) to enhance user experience and manage errors effectively.
Custom Domain: Integration of a custom domain name allows users to access the static website seamlessly, with native support for HTTP access and the option to enable HTTPS via Azure CDN for enhanced security.
Measures: Utilizing Azure Front Door enhances content delivery acceleration and provides protection against DDoS attacks, ensuring robust security for the hosted static website.
Upload Process: Files can be uploaded to the $web container using various tools like AzCopy, PowerShell, CLI, or custom applications, offering flexibility in managing and updating website content.
Permissions and Pricing: Permissions required for enabling static website hosting include Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/write or shared key access, with pricing based on storage utilization and operational costs.