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DWH Lift-and-Shift: 6-week Proof of Concept
PoC to lift-and-shift your existing DWH from on-premise architecture to Microsoft Azure.
Make the first step in efficiently implementing your data warehouse in the Microsoft Cloud.
When a company decides to deploy their existing DWH to cloud-based technology stack, it is important to have a realistic picture of how the new setup will work and how the migration will happen.
Business benefits from the proof of concept:
Scandic Fusion will support you in planning and executing a proof of concept for the lift-and-shift of your data analytics solution to Microsoft cloud. We will help establish the DWH ecosystem optimized for your data analytics needs, and implement one analytical cube in the new setup. We will leverage the advantages the new architecture provides, while preserving the accumulated knowledge base in the existing DWH.
Each solution is tailored to customer needs and specifics - including the legacy architecture, data volumes, and the way they further analyse their data. This PoC will strive to use Azure Synapse and Azure Data Lake Storage to store the data, and Azure Data Factory to load and transform.