Version 1 - SimpliText

Version 1

SimpliText, powered by Azure Open AI, is a web application designed to simplify complex documents for individuals with learning disabilities, enhancing comprehension and accessibility.

Empower individuals with learning disabilities by furnishing easy-to-understand text

SimpliText offers features such as text-to-speech with adjustable reading speed, and a reading pointer, among others, to improve engagement and understanding, thereby facilitating accessibility and inclusivity.

Making the most of progressive Generative AI technologies, our aim is to enable individuals with learning disabilities by providing easy-to-understand text from complex documents including, whitepapers, policy documents, magazines, editorials, journals, academic papers and others.

Learning difficulties affect how people read, write, and spell words. It is not a sign of low intelligence, but rather a difference in how the brain processes language. Learning disabilities can make learning challenging, as it can affect reading comprehension, spelling accuracy, writing fluency, and phonological awareness. However, with the right support and strategies, people with learning disabilities can overcome these difficulties. We used innovative tools such as Azure OpenAI models for simplification to text, to offer a unique solution to address these difficulties. Additional features include text to speech (read aloud), pointer for easy reading, control speed of reading and others. SimpliText is a standalone Version 1 offering.

At Version 1, we understand that every organisation has unique requirements, and we'll work closely with you to tailor SimpliText to your needs from an initial proof-of-concept onwards. This will include deployment of the Azure infrastructure (including the Azure Open AI Service), the application, getting your data ready, and guidance on the app usage and refinement.

We can also provide professional services that help you get started with or extend your use of Microsoft Azure, including services such as our AI Readiness Assessment, Azure Landing Zone, AI Innovation Sandbox, and Azure Managed Services.

If you're not sure where to start, consider the Version 1 AI Readiness Assessment to discover the possibilities AI could unlock for your business.

All terms, conditions and pricing will depend on the size and complexity of your requirements.

Contact us today to find out more.