SmartRDM - data driven Decision Support System in the Manufacturing

ConnectPoint Sp. z o.o.

SmartRDM - data driven Decision Support System in the Manufacturing

ConnectPoint Sp. z o.o.

Data driven real-time insights helping users in decisions in the manufacturing

Decision Support System empowering users in the manufacturing process in a real-time

Support user in the manufacturing process with data driven insigts and action recommendations

Real-time user recommendations resulting from execution history & data analytics

  • Post factum analysis is not enough. You need to take decision exactly when specific conditions are meet
  • Analyse best performing solution scenarios from the past executions, to provide most accurate action setup for a current situation
  • Let users decide if to follow their best practices or support with data recommendations
  • Track decisions and statuses to monitor execution and improve further analytics

"What if" scenarios and "digital twin" modeling

  • Create a "digital twin" of your manufacturing process to test multiple scenarios in a safe testing environment
  • Analyse multiple "what if" scenarios to find best execution paths or aoid possible malufunctions or problems
  • Design your decision process for specific situations under given conditions to support your manufacturing users and shorted decisions
  • Enhance decision process with acceptance workflows when decision requires additional control or risks
  • Prepare, clean and trust your data to get waluable kowledge resulting from history and empowering future decisions

Event-triggered, real-time process dispatch and calculation to provide instant insights and tasks

  • Manage events, Alarms or other abnormalitites with predefined action scenarios to make sure it is properly and acurately executed
  • Monitor tasks and actions statuses to see if were timely executed
  • Let your users comment and enhance event information description to better understand context or root cause analysis
-> machine malfunction has been detected
-> preventive maintenance algorithm is being executed to analyse historical maintenance steps solving given maulfuction state
-> recommendation for best mainentance steps/actions is being created (on the fly)
-> appropriate user or group of users is being notified that malfuction happened, already with a proposed maintenance action steps
-> users are picking up actions
-> statuses of actions are being tracked (approval workflow steps may be added)
-> new execution history is provided to the database to improve further analytics

About this Offer

This offer relates to a SmartRDM pilot implementation for a selected manufacturing process or subprocess (acquisition and management of up to 1.000 data points).

About Smart RDM product

  • developed by ConnectPoint to shorten real-time production monitoring implementations
  • deployable on cloud, private cloud or on-prem
  • empowered with Azure analytics and hyper scalable technologies for multiparallel calculations
  • trused by Danone, Twinings, Mondi, Veolia and many more