NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack VMI

NVIDIA Corporation

NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack VMI

NVIDIA Corporation

Cloud Native Stack VMI allows developers to build, test and run containers on GPU in Kubernetes

NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack VMI is a GPU-accelerated VMI with a reference architecture that includes upstream Kubernetes and the NVIDIA GPU Operator. NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack VMI allows Developers & DevOps engineers to build, test and run GPU-accelerated containerized applications that are orchestrated by Kubernetes.

The NVIDIA GPU Operator automates the lifecycle management of the software required to expose GPUs on Kubernetes. It enables advanced functionality, including better GPU performance, utilization, and telemetry. Certified and validated for compatibility with industry-leading Kubernetes solutions, GPU Operator allows organizations to focus on building applications, rather than managing Kubernetes infrastructure.

Customers can purchase NVIDIA AI Enterprise to obtain enterprise support for GPU Operator.

NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack VMI includes:
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04
  • NVIDIA Data Center Driver
  • Kubernetes with Containerd
  • Helm
  • NVIDIA GPU Operator
  • Azure CLI, NGC CLI
  • Docker runtime and CLI-ce

Usage Instructions:

Subscribe to this VMI (free of charge). Launch the VMI on a compute instance with GPU and SSH into the VM by following instructions on Azure console. It takes around 4-5mins for the script to successfully configure your machine with cloud native stack. As soon as the script completes, you can check the status of the cluster and deploy a sample GPU accelerated pod on the instance by running:

sudo kubectl apply -f sample_CudaVectorAdd_pod.yaml

The sample pod executes and completes quickly. Check the logs for successful execution.

For more instructions and examples please check: NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack examples

For information on documentation and release notes please check NVIDIA VMIs