ACP IT Solutions

Join our one-day Architectural Design Session to strategically address AI integration and optimize your technical architecture.

Core Challenges • Volatile Market Conditions (VUCA): Constantly changing market conditions make planning and securing business models difficult. • Lack of Expertise vs. Technological Advancements: Rapid technological advancements, especially in AI, outpace current expertise. • Pressure to Digitalize: The urgency to act is high, but the direction is unclear. • Process Disruptions: Implementing AI often raises fundamental questions and challenges existing processes.

Tangible Results • High-Quality Architectural Model: Develop a technically robust architecture model.Comprehensive Analysis: Gain a 360-degree view on objectives, addressing both White Spots and Blind Spots.Actionable Recommendations: Define concrete action points and recommendations for implementation.Cost Analysis and Savings: Conduct cost analysis to identify savings potential and improve margins.

Workshop Overview Step 1: Assessing the Current Architecture Initial Objective Analysis Step 2: Developing the Target Architecture Step 3: Task Planning and Execution

Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Azure with our expert consulting services! Whether you’re just getting started or looking to expand, our team of professionals is ready to provide the expertise, capabilities, and know-how you need. Don’t let in-house limitations hold you back - augment your team with our specialists and accelerate your journey to the cloud. Start your Azure transformation with us today!